Cirrus™2 nebuliser and nebuliser kits

Cirrus™2 nebuliser and nebuliser kits

Based on the well-established Cirrus nebuliser the Cirrus™2 incorporates a number of improved features. These include a graduated nebuliser cup which provides guidance on how much medication is in the nebuliser. The cup now has a quickrelease fitting which enables the nebuliser to be attached, as well as detached, with a quarter turn. This speeds up the filling process and provides a more reliable seal between the cup and the nebuliser body.

The Cirrus™2 nebuliser is designed to deliver medication for tracheobronchial deposition. Nebuliser performance specifications are detailed in documentation provided with the products, and are available upon request.

The Cirrus™2 mask kits incorporate the Intersurgical EcoLite™ aerosol mask, this non-PVC mask reduces the environmental impact of this product.

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Cirrus™2 nebuliser and nebuliser kits

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